Our Services

It is the excellent specialists and executives who sustainably shape the success of a company. This is particularly true in today’s dynamic, global world. With our range of services in identifying candidates with ideal suitability, qualifying candidates, and ensuring cultural fit with our clients, we propel our customers forward and secure both current and future competitiveness. Thus, DELTACON Executive Search creates value for your company!

Wirtschaftswoche - Beste Personalberater Executive Search 2022

Who are we looking for?

Executive Search von Geschäftsführern und CEOs

Executive Search for Managing Directors and CEOs

DELTACON has extensive experience in filling C-level positions such as Managing Directors, Board Members, and CEOs. Here, our industry and management expertise come into play to a particularly large extent because we know from our own practical experience what is required to advise our clients comprehensively. Every recruiter at DELTACON has worked for many years in top management positions in the industries of their clients!

Deltacon unterstützt auch bei der Besetzung mit Führungskräften

Leaders & Subject Matter Experts

In addition to focusing on C-level positions, we also support our clients in filling leadership and specialist roles. The director level is often the backbone of a company and is responsible for implementing corporate goals and thus the success of the company. We find excellent individuals for all key departments such as procurement, sales, marketing, finance, production, logistics, etc., on your behalf.

How do we make our choice?

Specialized and Leadership Personalities Tailored to the Company

More than 60% of employee resignations stem from poor leadership by executives. Our consultants are experts in identifying leadership personalities. A crucial cornerstone of our work is our own leadership experience and industry expertise in the industries we serve. With our diagnostic tools, we can easily measure candidates’ leadership abilities and their passion for leadership. Those who cannot lead do not make it onto the shortlist.

Methodological expertise creates security in the placement process.

After identifying and approaching candidates – significantly through Direct Search – all candidates undergo an intensive and multi-stage selection process with our DELTACON partner, where they are not only professionally but also personally scrutinized. Our methodological expertise includes multi-stage structured and competency-based interviews, online assessments, obtaining references, and a careful review of CVs and references.

DELTACON Profiling

With our online assessment tools, we measure the degree of alignment between the desired profile of our clients and the profiles of our candidates. We analyze the personality traits, thinking patterns, behavioral characteristics, and primary interests of the candidates. Through defined attributes, we capture, for example, the leadership and management competence of the candidates. In the analysis, we determine if the person CAN meet the requirements, HOW the person will perform the tasks, and if the person TRULY wants to do the job.
In the assessment center, we measure the candidate’s cognitive abilities, professional interests, behavioral characteristics such as leadership competence, and general management skills. As a result, we achieve the perfect job match by comparing the desired profile with the actual profile.

Corporate Culture as a Game Changer

In times of fundamental change and evolving candidate expectations and values, the fit with the existing corporate culture becomes increasingly significant. According to a recent study by XING and Forsa, 37 percent of employees in Germany are considering quitting. The main reason for this is a lack of identification with the corporate culture of their current employer. Therefore, it is all the more important that especially executives ideally fit into your corporate culture and can thus retain employees in your company. With our tools, we measure the corporate culture in the selection process and can then benchmark it with the candidates to ensure the ideal fit.

Do you have questions about Executive Search?

Would you like to find out more about executive search and personnel consulting?
Please feel free to contact us!

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Where do we find the candidates?

Industry & Management Expertise

We speak the language of our clients and, thanks to our industry expertise, understand the market and our clients’ companies, as well as their expectations. We are familiar with the challenges of individual markets, and from our own experience, we have learned how costly it can be not to fill vacant positions.

Direct Search

Experience has shown that through advertisements, only a maximum of 20% of relevant candidates are reached. More than 80% of all candidates need to be actively identified and specifically approached to inspire them to consider a change. Therefore, at DELTACON Executive Search, every recruitment is newly “set up” in the direct search approach: target company list, identification, initial contacts, interviews – this is how we find the best candidates and inspire them to make the switch to our client.


In parallel with our direct search, we contact suitable candidates from our database for very fast initial results. Over 10 years of personnel consulting have filled our database with more than 50,000 excellent and verified candidates. We only include candidates in our database who have undergone initial screening.


A good network supports personnel search through discreet recommendations from the market. Due to our long-standing management experience and deep knowledge of your industry, we personally know many potential candidates and decision-makers from your sector. Furthermore, our networks are an excellent basis for the reputation of DELTACON partners in the candidate market.